Interview of John Sandy About the Rouse Farnham Peat Collection at the Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI), University of Minnesota Duluth, Interviewed by Bonnie Kollodge, WDIO TV- Duluth
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In 1989, Dr. Rouse Farnham, a retired soil science professor at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, donated his personal peat collection, consisting of thousands of books, technical reports, conference proceedings, journal articles, maps, and more, to the Natural Resources Library at the Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota Duluth. To promote the collection, a press release was sent to WDIO TV in Duluth. WDIO TV produced this video from the press release and an oral interview with the addition of peat-related content from the TV station’s archives. An author catalog and a subject catalog to the peat collection, by John H. Sandy (and others), was prepared for print and digital access to materials in the collection. Print copies of the author and subject catalogs are shelved in the Magrath Library, University of Minnesota Twin Cities. A digital copy of the author catalog (Author Catalog of the Peat Research Collection at the University of Minnesota Duluth) is hosted by the Institutional Repository, The University of Alabama, and, with an alt title, the University Digital Conservancy, University of Minnesota.; A digital copy of the subject catalog (The Farnham Peat Collection: Subject Catalog of the Peat Research Materials in the Natural Resources Library) is hosted by the University Digital Conservancy, University of Minnesota.