Bridging Models of Biometric and Psychometric Assessment: A Three-Way Joint Modeling Approach of Item Responses, Response Times, and Gaze Fixation Counts
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Recently, joint models of item response data and response times have been proposed to better assess and understand test takers' learning processes. This article demonstrates how biometric information such as gaze fixation counts obtained from an eye-tracking machine can be integrated into the measurement model. The proposed joint modeling framework accommodates the relations among a test taker's latent ability, working speed and test engagement level via a person-side variance-covariance structure, while simultaneously permitting the modeling of item difficulty, time-intensity, and the engagement intensity through an item-side variance-covariance structure. A Bayesian estimation scheme is used to fit the proposed model to data. Posterior predictive model checking based on three discrepancy measures corresponding to various model components are introduced to assess model-data fit. Findings from a Monte Carlo simulation and results from analyzing experimental data demonstrate the utility of the model.