A CNN-LSTM neural network for recognition of puffing in smoking episodes using wearable sensors


A detailed assessment of smoking behavior under free-living conditions is a key challenge for health behavior research. A number of methods using wearable sensors and puff topography devices have been developed for smoking and individual puff detection. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for automatic detection of puffs in smoking episodes by using a combination of Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography and Inertial Measurement Unit sensors. The detection of puffs was performed by using a deep network containing convolutional and recurrent neural networks. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) were utilized to automate feature learning from raw sensor streams. Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) network layers were utilized to obtain the temporal dynamics of sensor signals and classify sequence of time segmented sensor streams. An evaluation was performed by using a large, challenging dataset containing 467 smoking events from 40 participants under free-living conditions. The proposed approach achieved an F1-score of 78% in leave-one-subject-out cross-validation. The results suggest that CNN-LSTM based neural network architecture sufficiently detect puffing episodes in free-living condition. The proposed model be used as a detection tool for smoking cessation programs and scientific research.

Cigarette smoking, CNN, Deep learning, Puff, Respiration, PACT, IMU, LSTM, ECOLOGICAL MOMENTARY ASSESSMENT, RELIABILITY, BEHAVIOR, VALIDITY, Engineering, Biomedical
Senyurek, V. Y., Imtiaz, M. H., Belsare, P., Tiffany, S., & Sazonov, E. (2020). A CNN-LSTM neural network for recognition of puffing in smoking episodes using wearable sensors. In Biomedical Engineering Letters (Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp. 195–203). Springer Science and Business Media LLC. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13534-020-00147-8