Faculty salary inequities in public higher education: an examination of faculty salaries through the national study of postsecondary faculty 1988, 1993, 1999, & 2004
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This study examines a historical review of literature and the reoccurring issue of female faculty being paid less than their male counterparts in assistant, associate, and full faculty ranks and across all academic disciplines. Historical legislation and legal acknowledgements were examined. Literature which focused on human capital and structural/institutional frameworks for faculty gender pay differences was also reviewed. The data in this study is from The National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF), from public four-year institutions which were selected to participate in the survey for the four years the survey was administered (1988, 1993, 1999, and 2004). The relationship of the salary means between gender, the influence of academic field and rank with gender on salary, and an analysis of multiple sets of factors which were influenced by structural and human capital theories were studied. The results indicated gender was a predictor in salary and for the four years in this study, females made significantly less than males. When academic field and rank were included, gender was still a significant factor; however the difference between males and females varied with field categories and rank. The findings support previous research which has also found the gender variable effects salary; however this study found a larger gap between males and females over the four years in the study. Additional administrations of this study and examination of additional factors is needed to continue the conversation regarding a pay gap between males and females in the faculty.