Alabama Articulation and General Studies Committee & Statewide Transfer and Articulation Reporting System: Evaluation Project Final Report


This evaluation essentially revolves around two key questions: How are we doing? & Where do we go from here?In considering these questions, it is imperative to differentiate between the terms “accountability” and “responsibility,” which all too often are used interchangeably. In determining the duties for which the AGSC&STARS are accountable, we find nearly unanimous compliance, and this is addressed in the first three guiding questions of the evaluation set forth by the five-member AGSC External Review Subcommittee:Is the AGSC&STARS program effective in meeting the legislative intent stated in Act 94-202, the original authorizing legislation?Were the recommendations that were made in the 2002 evaluation followed?Are key constituents satisfied with the services provided by AGSC&STARS?What recommendations does our study team have for improvements?

This report was submitted to the Alabama Articulation and General Studies Committee on September 30, 2016.