Transformative pedagogy in physical education
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The goal of researching sociocultural perspectives and transformative pedagogies has been to improve society for all individuals. In particular, physical education (PE) and physical education teacher education (PETE) has been determined an under researched discipline in regard to transformative practice for equity and justice. Therefore, the purpose of the first study one was to determine the influence of one sociocultural foundations class taught by Florence, a teacher educator, on the perspectives and practices of two PE pre-service teachers (PTs), Michael and Bob. The primary data sources were from nine qualitative techniques including non-participant observation, formal and informal interviews, exit slips, three fictional PE teaching scenarios, a fictional curriculum outline, three stimulated recall interviews, documents, and digital interactions. The data were analyzed using theoretical thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). The findings illustrated that both PTs faced frustration and discomfort during class. Nevertheless, the class did resonate and raise the PTs critical awareness related to sociocultural issues in PE. Key reasons for this change were attributed to the deinstitutionalizing pedagogical methods employed by Florence. Florence's "problem-posing" education (Freire, 1970) prompted the PTs to question their perspectives and assumptions related to society and culture. Study two bridged the gap between PT and practicing teacher and sought to describe one elementary school physical education teacher’s attempt to employ transformative pedagogy. The primary data sources were from eight qualitative techniques including formal and informal interviews, conversations, short films, document and content analysis, social media accounts, and an electronic journal. An inductive and deductive analysis (Patton, 2015) revealed that Harry, the physical educator, embedded transformative pedagogy into his practice through four themes: (a) the big kid (b) restorative practice principles (c) a democratic curriculum, and (d) diverse forms of assessment. Furthermore, facilitators and barriers to Harry’s practice were illustrated through internal and external themes. The findings provided meaningful implications for PTs, physical educators, and teacher educators working in social justice education. The third study described sport pedagogy faculty member’s (FM’s) efforts at engaging in transformative physical education teacher education (T-PETE). T-PETE stresses the importance of FMs creating social change through their pedagogical approach and begins by asking preservice teachers to reflect on their perspectives and practices (Tinning, 2017; Ukpokodu, 2009). Participants were three white, female, able-bodied, lesbian/gay sport pedagogy FM’s. The study was conducted in the United States. Feminist theory and feminist pedagogy drove data collection and analysis. Data were collected by employing a series of qualitative techniques. An inductive and deductive analysis revealed that FM’s had specific T-PETE goals, content, and pedagogies. Furthermore, several internal and external factors served to facilitate and limit the FM’s effectiveness when engaging in T-PETE. The findings suggest that program-wide PETE reform is necessary in the United States for creating social change, and influencing preservice teachers perspectives and practices.