The Efficacy of Performance Tests and Testing Instruments within Elite Female Volleyball Players

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University of Alabama Libraries

With the plethora of available tests and testing devices for both the vertical jump and change of direction ability, evaluating the efficacy of these methods and systems is a valuable pursuit for researchers and practitioners alike. Specifically, evaluating the efficacy of these methods within a highly trained population that emphasizes vertical jump and COD ability like volleyball would highlight changes that occur with high levels of specific training. Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to evaluate the agreement of common COD ability test, jump testing devices, and explore the utility of new technology for collecting data more effectively. The specific aims are as follows:Study 1: To evaluate the relationships of commonly used COD test (T-test, L-drill, and 5-10-5 shuttle) in Division I female volleyball players.Study 2: To determine the agreement of three devices assessing vertical jump performance with the criterion reference force plate system.Study 3: To compare the agreement between a motorized sprint resistance device, timing gates, and a global positioning system for total time to complete and peak velocity achieved during a commonly used change of direction drill in elite female volleyball players.

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