The 2016 Proposals for Higher Education: A View from the States: A Preliminary Report from a Special Section of the 2016 National Survey of Access and Finance Issues

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Education Policy Center

This report is based upon the first 36 responses received from the2016 National Survey of Access and Finance Issues conducted bythe Education Policy Center (EPC) at the University of Alabama.Since 2007, the EPC has conducted annual surveys of members of theNational Council of State Directors of Community Colleges (NCSDCC). Atleast 49 of 51 possible responses have been obtained each year. NCSDCCmember’s knowledge of higher education access and finance issues extendswell beyond their own sector. Community colleges are a portal for millions ofacademically-talented, first-generation, minority, and low-income high schoolgraduates to higher education and the American dream.This report examines federal issues in higher education, including specificissues in the battleground states of the 2016 election (the 14 states definedby Real Clear Politics). This analysis contains 8 of the 14 battleground states.Further analysis of all 14-battleground states is forthcoming.

This is the November 2016 publication of the Education Policy Center at The University of Alabama.