The beta-latch structural element of the SufS cysteine desulfurase mediates active site accessibility and SufE transpersulfurase positioning


Under oxidative stress and iron starvation conditions, Escherichia coli uses the Suf pathway to assemble iron-sulfur clusters. The Suf pathway mobilizes sulfur via SufS, a type II cysteine desulfurase. SufS is a pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-depen-dent enzyme that uses cysteine to generate alanine and an active-site persulfide (C364-S-S-). The SufS persulfide is pro-tected from external oxidants/reductants and requires the transpersulfurase, SufE, to accept the persulfide to complete the SufS catalytic cycle. Recent reports on SufS identified a conserved "11-latch" structural element that includes the alpha 6 helix, a glycine-rich loop, a 11-hairpin, and a cis-proline residue. To identify a functional role for the 11-latch, we used site -directed mutagenesis to obtain the N99D and N99A SufS var-iants. N99 is a conserved residue that connects the alpha 6 helix to the backbone of the glycine-rich loop via hydrogen bonds. Our x-ray crystal structures for N99A and N99D SufS show a dis-torted beta-hairpin and glycine-rich loop, respectively, along with changes in the dimer geometry. The structural disruption of the N99 variants allowed the external reductant TCEP to react with the active-site C364-persulfide intermediate to complete the SufS catalytic cycle in the absence of SufE. The substitutions also appear to disrupt formation of a high -affinity, close approach SufS-SufE complex as measured with fluorescence polarization. Collectively, these findings demon-strate that the 11-latch does not affect the chemistry of persul-fide formation but does protect it from undesired reductants. The data also indicate the 11-latch plays an unexpected role in forming a close approach SufS-SufE complex to promote persulfide transfer.

SULFUR, PROTEIN, EVOLUTION, DYNAMICS, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Gogar, R. K., Carroll, F., Conte, J. V., Nasef, M., Dunkle, J. A., & Frantom, P. A. (2023). The β-latch structural element of the SufS cysteine desulfurase mediates active site accessibility and SufE transpersulfurase positioning. In Journal of Biological Chemistry (Vol. 299, Issue 3, p. 102966). Elsevier BV.