Exploring teachers’ meaning, methods, and perceived effectiveness of culturally responsive instruction on student college readiness in an urban secondary school district
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Research indicates that significant numbers of urban students are underprepared for post-secondary education at four-year universities. The purpose of the qualitative phenomenologically informed dissertation is to explore teachers’ meaning, methods, and perceived effectiveness of culturally responsive instruction on student college readiness in an urban secondary school district. This study used qualitative methods of in-depth interviews, a focus group session and a document analysis were used to collect data from twenty educators including thirteen national board certified educators. The data analysis procedures followed procedures outlined by qualitative researchers (Creswell, 1998; Guba and Lincoln, 1994; Denzin and Lincoln (2000); Ritchie and Lewis (2003). Interviews were transcribed verbatim to provide a data set for analysis. An analysis of interview data revealed three themes with empowering students with support, equipping students 21st century skills, and engaging students with quality instruction. Findings from the dissertation study inform systematic practices structured to enhance the college readiness of urban secondary students. The main findings were that teachers interviewed had positive relationships with students, were aware that high expectations is necessary for student achievement, were aware of factors that contributed to college readiness and global competence. Recommendations of this study include establishing relationships built on trust and authentic caring and integrating college-level work and resources for all courses. This study will aid secondary schools in closing achievement gaps and increasing student academic success of traditionally underrepresented urban secondary students by employing a culturally responsive approach to college readiness and global competence.