Chemical Structure Data File for A. Ganta's Thesis, "New applications of Arynes and Wynberg lactone in synthesis."
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University of Alabama Libraries
This Structure Data File (SDfile) is associated with the thesis: Ganta, A. "New applications of Arynes and Wynberg lactone in synthesis." and It is distributed by the University of Alabama Libraries. The SDfile is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ( Chemical Structure Data Files can be viewed/processed with most cheminformatics toolkits and stand-alone software packages: See Note that this is the archived non-standardized chemical substance data. If you are looking for the standardized data" see the UA Libraries PubChem Data Source: The specific substances associated with this data set are indicated by the local DATSOURCE_REGID identifiers within the SDfile. These identifiers can be used to cross-reference the data within PubChem. We recommend downloading the University of Alabama Libraries chemical structure data from PubChem as PubChem handles the standardization (within the Compound database) of the chemical structures. This archived version and associated data available on GitHub may be useful to understand our workflow. Please see the README on GitHub for important considerations, data reuse notes, and disclaimer: