Identifying Concerns with Integrating the QSEN Quality Improvement Competency from the Perspective of Full-Time Nurse Educators Across the United States: Implications for Nursing Education
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Over a decade ago, 14 nursing leaders developed six Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies, transforming nursing education. Despite the QSEN developers' valiant efforts to integrate the QSEN competencies into nursing curricula, the diffusion by faculty is slow, inconsistent, and lacks methods to effectively evaluate students' competency achievement. One of the least integrated competencies is the quality improvement (QI) competency (Dolansky et al. (2017). The purpose of this study is to use the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) framework, and stages of concern questionnaire (SoCQ), to identify barriers to integrating the QSEN QI competency from the perspective of full-time nurse educators across the United States and the implications for nursing education. Given the importance of the innovation, it is necessary to examine how nurse educators have accepted the integrating of the QSEN QI competency into the classroom and understand their concerns throughout the implementation period. The aims of the study are multifold; identifying nurse educators' primary and secondary highest stages of concern (SoC), assessing nurse educators' Stages of Concern towards QSEN QI integration in nursing curricula based on professional and pedagogical demographics, and investigating statistically significant relationship between the SOC and nurse educators' innovation demographics. For data collection, adhering to the (CBAM) framework, the study uses the stages of concern questionnaire SoCQ, a 35-item, Likert scale, eight-point diagnostic survey to measure the concerns of individuals actively involved in a change process. The study uses descriptive statistics and MANOVA to analyze the data.