I’ll Be Back: Post-Purchase Activities and ROI


What kinds of services and support should be expected after the sale? Vendors are increasingly providing postsale services to their customers, typically in the form of account development. This panel discussion examined experiences that vendors, libraries, and consortia have had with one another, including which services have been beneficial, and explored future enhancements that will benefit libraries and users. The panelists provided specific examples of past collaborations, including customized trainings, usage analysis, and professional development events. Panelists discussed topics of interest to librarians and vendors with a focus on ways to get the best ROI out of library resources. Librarians and publishers on the panel highlighted the important role that each side has in improving ROI and marketing the resources to the library community.

Michael A. Arthur, Tim Bucknall, Stephanie Kaelin, Sarah Schulman, and Kristi Showers, "I’ll Be Back: Post‐Purchase Activities and ROI" (2014). Proceedings of the Charleston Library Conference. http://dx.doi.org/10.5703/1288284315605