There Is a Balm: Performance, Voyeurism, and Public History through Beyoncé’s Lemonade.


The most impactful gems of wisdom are passed down from generation to generation through stories and pictures. Lemonade, the visual album released by Beyoncé in April 2016, follows the African tradition of storytelling by incorporating references to African Mythology, Southern black culture and current events into a story about relationship infidelity. The release was a blockbuster success, and while mainstream media dissected the intimate portrait Beyoncé appeared to reveal about her marriage, black women discussed a message quite prominent to them but unrecognized by mainstream media.

This is a student colloquium project in satisfaction towards a graduate level American Studies course at the University of Alabama.
Richardson, A. (2017): There Is a Balm: Performance, Voyeurism, and Public History through Beyoncé’s Lemonade. Colloquium Project Required by AMS 596 Master’s Degree Program at the University of Alabama.