Particle Classification and Dynamics in GL(2,C) Gravity

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A relatively simple approach to noncommutative gravity utilizes the gauge theory formulation of general relativity and involves replacing the Lorentz gauge group by a larger group. This results in additional field degrees of freedom which either must be constrained to vanish in a nontrivial way or require physical interpretation. With the latter in mind, we examine the coupling of the additional fields to point particles. Nonstandard particle degrees of freedom should be introduced in order to write down the most general coupling. The example we study is the GL(2,C) central extension of gravity given by Chamseddine, which contains two U(1) gauge fields and a complex vierbein matrix, along with the usual spin connections. For the general coupling one should then attach two U(1) charges and a complex momentum vector to the particle, along with the spin. The momenta span orbits in a four-dimensional complex vector space and are classified by GL(2,C) invariants and by their little groups. In addition to orbits associated with standard massive and massless particles, a number of novel orbits can be identified. We write down a general action principle for particles associated with any nontrivial orbit and show that it leads to corrections to geodesic motion. We also examine the classical and quantum theory of the particle in flat space-time.
