New Rates of Exchange: Technological Integration and University Libraries in Central and Eastern Europe


Over the course of the past ten years, Central- and Eastern-European Countries have seen significant changes in virtually all sectors of society. Higher education has been transformed, bringing western philosophies to the discussion table and introducing technology into areas once devoid of this medium. University libraries have also undergone fundamental philosophical and organizational changes while integrating and utilizing technology to perform many of the functions that were once labor intensive. In this paper, I would like to provide a brief analysis of the overall progress that has been made so far in regard to technological integration within C&EE university libraries and then present possible scenarios and models for technology and information infrastructure development for C&EE universities moving into the 21st century.

Gilstrap, Donald L. (2000): New Rates of Exchange: Technological Integration and University Libraries in Central and Eastern Europe. Perspectives in Higher Education Reform, 9. Based upon the Tenth Annual Conference held in Budapest, Hungary. November 7-10, 1999. Ed. by Russell J. Meyer. Published for the Alliance of Universities for Democracy through the Central and East European Centre. The University of Tennessee. pp. 195-199.