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Item Contrast Is in the Eye of the Beholder: Infelicitous Beat Gesture Increases Cognitive Load During Online Spoken Discourse Comprehension(Wiley, 2020) Morett, Laura M.; Roche, Jennifer M.; Fraundorf, Scott H.; McPartland, James C.; University of Alabama Tuscaloosa; Kent State University; Kent State University Kent; Kent State University Salem; University of Pittsburgh; Yale UniversityWe investigated how two cues to contrast-beat gesture and contrastive pitch accenting-affect comprehenders' cognitive load during processing of spoken referring expressions. In two visual-world experiments, we orthogonally manipulated the presence of these cues and their felicity, or fit, with the local (sentence-level) referential context in critical referring expressions while comprehenders' task-evoked pupillary responses (TEPRs) were examined. In Experiment 1, beat gesture and contrastive accenting always matched the referential context of filler referring expressions and were therefore relatively felicitous on the global (experiment) level, whereas in Experiment 2, beat gesture and contrastive accenting never fit the referential context of filler referring expressions and were therefore infelicitous on the global level. The results revealed that both beat gesture and contrastive accenting increased comprehenders' cognitive load. For beat gesture, this increase in cognitive load was driven by both local and global infelicity. For contrastive accenting, this increase in cognitive load was unaffected when cues were globally felicitous but exacerbated when cues were globally infelicitous. Together, these results suggest that comprehenders' cognitive resources are taxed by processing infelicitous use of beat gesture and contrastive accenting to convey contrast on both the local and global levels.Item Curved vs. Straight-Line Handwriting Effects on Word Recognition in Typical and Dyslexic Readers Across Chinese and English(Frontiers, 2021) Guan, Connie Qun; Li, Yifei; Meng, Wanjin; Morett, Laura M.; Beijing Language & Culture University; University of Science & Technology Beijing; University of Alabama TuscaloosaHandwriting serves to link auditory and motor routines with visual word processing, which is a hallmark of successful reading. The current study aims to explore the effect of multisensory integration as a pathway to neural specialization for print among typical and dyslexic readers across writing systems. We identified 9-10-year-old dyslexic Chinese children (n = 24) and their typically developing counterparts (n = 24) on whom we conducted both behavioral and electroencephalogram (EEG) experiments. We designed four learning conditions: Handwriting Chinese (HC), Viewing Chinese (VC), Drawing followed by Character Recognition in Chinese (D-C), and Drawing followed by Word Recognition in English (D-E). In both handwriting and drawing conditions, we also designed curved vs. straight-line stimuli. Both behavioral and EEG results showed that handwriting straight line strokes facilitated visual word recognition in Chinese compared to handwriting curved lines. Handwriting conditions resulted in a lateralization of the N170 in typical readers, but not the dyslexic readers. Interestingly, drawing curved lines facilitate word recognition in English among dyslexic readers. Taken together, the results of the study suggest benefits of handwriting on the neural processing and behavioral performance in response to Chinese character recognition and curved-line drawing effects on English word recognition among dyslexic readers. But the lack of handwriting effects in dyslexic readers suggest that students who have deficits in reading may also be missing the link between multisensory integration and word recognition in the visual word form areas. The current study results have implications for maintaining handwriting practices to promote perception and motor integration for visual word form area development for normal readers and suggest that drawing practices might benefit Chinese dyslexic readers in reading English.Item Eye See What You're Saying: Contrastive Use of Beat Gesture and Pitch Accent Affects Online Interpretation of Spoken Discourse(American Psychological Association, 2021) Morett, Laura M.; Fraundorf, Scott H.; McPartland, James C.; University of Alabama Tuscaloosa; University of Pittsburgh; Yale UniversityCues to prominence such as beat gesture and contrastive pitch accent play an important role in constraining what is remembered. However, it is currently unclear how beat gesture affects online discourse processing alone and in combination with contrastive accenting. Using an adaptation of the visual world eye-tracking paradigm, we orthogonally manipulated the presence of these cues and their felicity (match) with contrast within local (sentence-level) and global (experiment-level) referential contexts. In Experiment 1, in which beat gesture and contrastive accenting were always globally felicitous with the context of filler referring expressions, beat gesture increased anticipation of both target and competitor referents of locally infelicitous critical referring expressions differing in color and shape, whereas contrastive accenting hindered resolution of these expressions. In Experiment 2, in which beat gesture and contrastive accenting were always globally infelicitous with the context of filler referring expressions, beat gesture increased anticipation of both target and competitor referents of locally felicitous critical referring expressions contrasting in color, whereas contrastive accenting did not affect their interpretation. Taken together, these findings indicate that local and global felicity of cues to prominence with contrast affects their interpretation during online spoken discourse processing.Item Gesture-Speech Integration in Typical and Atypical Adolescent Readers(Frontiers, 2022) Yao, Ru; Guan, Connie Qun; Smolen, Elaine R.; MacWhinney, Brian; Meng, Wanjin; Morett, Laura M.; Beijing Language & Culture University; Columbia University; Carnegie Mellon University; University of Alabama TuscaloosaThis study investigated gesture-speech integration (GSI) among adolescents who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) and those with typical hearing. Thirty-eight adolescents (19 with hearing loss) performed a Stroop-like task in which they watched 120 short video clips of gestures and actions twice at random. Participants were asked to press one button if the visual content of the speaker's movements was related to a written word and to press another button if it was unrelated to a written word while accuracy rates and response times were recorded. We found stronger GSI effects among DHH participants than hearing participants. The semantic congruency effect was significantly larger in DHH participants than in hearing participants, and results of our experiments indicated a significantly larger gender congruency effect in DHH participants as compared to hearing participants. Results of this study shed light on GSI among DHH individuals and suggest future avenues for research examining the impact of gesture on language processing and communication in this population.Item Mapping Pitch Accents to Memory Representations in Spoken Discourse Among Chinese Learners of English: Effects of L2 Proficiency and Working Memory(Frontiers, 2022) Guan, Connie Qun; Meng, Wanjin; Morett, Laura M.; Fraundorf, Scott H.; Beijing Language & Culture University; Carnegie Mellon University; University of Alabama Tuscaloosa; University of PittsburghWe examined L2 learners' interpretation of pitch accent cues in discourse memory and how these effects vary with proficiency and working memory (WM). One hundred sixty-eight L1-Chinese participants learning L2-English listened to recorded discourses containing pairs of contrastive alternatives and then took a later recognition memory test. Their language proficiency and WM were measured through standard tests and the participants were categorized into low, medium, advanced, and high advanced language proficiency groups. We analyzed recognition memory task performance using signal detection theory to tease apart response bias (an overall tendency to affirm memory probes) from sensitivity (the ability to discern whether a specific probe statement is true). The results showed a benefit of contrastive L + H* pitch accents in rejecting probes referring to items unmentioned in a discourse, but not contrastive alternatives themselves. More proficient participants also showed more accurate memory for the discourses overall, as well as a reduced overall bias to affirm the presented statements as true. Meanwhile, that the benefit of L + H* accents in rejecting either contrast probes or unmentioned probes was modulated for people with greater working memory. Participants with higher WM were quite sure that it did not exist in the memory trace as this part of discourse wasn't mentioned. The results support a contrast-uncertainty hypothesis, in which comprehenders recall the contrast set but fail to distinguish which is the correct item. Further, these effects were influenced by proficiency and by working memory, suggesting they reflect incomplete mapping between pitch accent and discourse representation.Item Semantic Relationships Between Representational Gestures and Their Lexical Affiliates Are Evaluated Similarly for Speech and Text(Frontiers, 2020) Hughes-Berheim, Sarah S.; Morett, Laura M.; Bulger, Raymond; University of Alabama TuscaloosaThis research examined whether the semantic relationships between representational gestures and their lexical affiliates are evaluated similarly when lexical affiliates are conveyed via speech and text. In two studies, adult native English speakers rated the similarity of the meanings of representational gesture-word pairs presented via speech and text. Gesture-word pairs in each modality consisted of gestures and words matching in meaning (semantically-congruent pairs) as well as gestures and words mismatching in meaning (semantically-incongruent pairs). The results revealed that ratings differed by semantic congruency but not language modality. These findings provide the first evidence that semantic relationships between representational gestures and their lexical affiliates are evaluated similarly regardless of language modality. Moreover, this research provides an open normed database of semantically-congruent and semantically-incongruent gesture-word pairs in both text and speech that will be useful for future research investigating gesture-language integration.Item Serving Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Age of COVID-19: Special Considerations for Rural Families(Sage, 2023) Tomeny, Theodore S.; Hudac, Caitlin M.; Malaia, Evie A.; Morett, Laura M.; Tomeny, Kimberly R.; Watkins, Laci; Kana, Rajesh K.; University of Alabama TuscaloosaThis position paper explores the needs of rural families of children, adolescents, and adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) during the age of COVID-19. Prior to COVID-19, literature portrays elevated stress in families of individuals with ASD and health and socioeconomic disparities for rural and underserved populations. These disparities were exacerbated due to COVID-19 and subsequent lockdowns and economic turmoil. Academic and adaptive skills training were particularly impacted due to school closures, with parents tasked with taking some responsibility for training these skills. Our goals for this article focus on special considerations for rural families regarding (a) neurobiological and developmental impacts of stressful experiences like COVID-19, (b) delineation of the impacts on individuals with ASD and other comorbid and related conditions, and (c) education and intervention needs during these times. Finally, we offer suggestions for future care during pandemic events, including recommendations for improving service delivery under such conditions.Item Students' acceptance of online learning in developing nations: scale development and validation(Springer, 2022) Rajeb, Mehdi; Wang, Yurou; Man, Kaiwen; Morett, Laura M.; University of Alabama TuscaloosaMost education systems were severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and as a result, learning shifted from face-to-face to online in higher education institutions. This unprecedented shift in the learning environment caused substantial challenges for students. The situation was more severe in developing nations such as Bangladesh, which lacked available resources and knowledge of online education to support their students. Recent studies suggest that students resisted online learning in various developing nations. To support online learning in developing nations, this study develops the Acceptance of Online Learning (AOL) scale comprised of both institutional and student-related factors. To validate the AOL scale, the study collected data from 441 students across 30 higher education institutions in Bangladesh to determine the factors explaining students' acceptance of online learning using AOL measurements. The results showed that institutional factors, such as technological sufficiency, instructor efficiency, and technical assistance play significant roles in students' acceptance of online learning in developing nations. These findings will help education policymakers and administrators in developing nations to assess the needs of students with respect to online learning, and the AOL scale will assist in the evaluation of students' acceptance of online learning in these nations.Item Why Educational Neuroscience Needs Educational and School Psychology to Effectively Translate Neuroscience to Educational Practice(Frontiers, 2021) Wilcox, Gabrielle; Morett, Laura M.; Hawes, Zachary; Dommett, Eleanor J.; University of Calgary; Alberta Childrens Hospital; University of Alabama Tuscaloosa; University of Toronto; University Health Network Toronto; University of London; King's College LondonThe emerging discipline of educational neuroscience stands at a crossroads between those who see great promise in integrating neuroscience and education and those who see the disciplinary divide as insurmountable. However, such tension is at least partly due to the hitherto predominance of philosophy and theory over the establishment of concrete mechanisms and agents of change. If educational neuroscience is to move forward and emerge as a distinct discipline in its own right, the traditional boundaries and methods must be bridged, and an infrastructure must be in place that allows for collaborative and productive exchange. In the present paper, we argue that school psychologists have the potential to fulfill this need and represent important agents of change in establishing better connections between research and practice. More specifically, we use the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) (2020) Domains of Practice to highlight several areas where school psychology can actively support forging connections between neuroscience and educational practice. School psychologists represent untapped potential in their knowledge, skillset, and placement to serve a vital role in building the bridge between neuroscience and education.