Oscillatory Exchange Bias Effect in FeNi/Cu/FeMn and FeNi/Cr/FeMn Trilayer Systems


The first experimental observation of a spacer-thickness dependent oscillatory exchange bias effect in ferromagnet~FM!/spacer/antiferromagnet trilayers is reported. The period of the oscillatory exchange bias field is found to be half of the period of the oscillatory interlayer coupling in the corresponding FM/spacer/FM systems with the same spacer, indicating that the observed effect is caused by an analogous coupling mechanism, being, however, sensitive to the absolute value of the coupling strength and not on its sign.

Ferromagnetism, Copper, Antiferromagnetism, Exchange interactions
Mewes, T., Roos, B., Demokritov, S., Hillebrands, B. (2000): Oscillatory Exchange Bias Effect in FeNi/Cu/FeMn and FeNi/Cr/FeMan Systems, Journal of Applied Physics, 87(9).